Hunter Drake McAlister was born on January 25, 2004. He is the son of Sherry and Travis McAlister. He has two siblings, CJ McAlister and Stephanie McAlister. Hunter is involved in Pep Club and FCCLA. He is also a part of the Woodland High School Baseball team. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Stegeman. Three words to describe Hunter are humble, ambitious, and mature.
When Hunter was growing up, he wanted to join the military. After graduation, he now plans to attend Southeast College of Nursing to receive his license as an LPN then further as an RN. If Hunter could travel anywhere in the world, he would visit Montana to view the spontaneous mountains.
Hunter recalls one day in Ms. Scheffer’s advisory class as his favorite High School memory. When asked about graduating Hunter states, “I’m excited and ready to leave High School.” What he will miss most about Woodland High School is having the chance to hang out with all of his buddies.
Hunter would like to thank several people: Mom, Dad, my brother and sister, Jeana, Sunday, Kori, Lydia, Quentin, Landon, and Hunter Calhoun.