Picture of Cavin Harris

Cavin Zander Harris was born on July 12, 2006. His parents are Lena and Rickie Harris. Cavin has two siblings: Ethan and Mikayla Harris. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Balzer because she is the most energetic and fun. Three words Cavin would use to describe himself are respectful, well-rounded, and caffeinated. If he could travel anywhere in the world he would go to Alaska or Norway, Alaska for the cold and Norway for the pagan history. Cavin’s favorite high school memory is waving goodbye to everyone on the last day of school. His most embarrassing high school memory is getting in trouble for running in gym class.

 When he was a child, he wanted to be a state trooper, but now he plans to work for P&G to save money for starting his own business. Cavin is involved in FFA. His advice to underclassmen is to never give up, it will get better. When asked about how he feels about graduating he says happy, but senior year can slow down. When asked what he will miss most about high school he says living a simple life and seeing his friends. The person who has had the greatest influence on him is his dad, he is the reason he is respectful and able to stay calm. Cavin feels that his greatest accomplishment so far is losing 90 pounds in 8 months.


SHOUTOUTS: Mom and Dad