Picture of Ellias Nenninger

Ellias Nenninger was born on February 24th, 2006. He is the son of Cassie and Danny Nenninger. Ellias has seven siblings, Kaizer, Ariana, Mia, Moriah, Zaylee, Anissa, and Conner. His favorite teacher is Mr. Ridings because “he makes us ribs.” Ellias’ favorite staff quote is “Quit it you clowns.” Three words that describe him are athletic, active, and talkative. If he could travel anywhere in the world, it would be Alaska so he could hunt. Ellias’ favorite high school memory is showing up at the Kinders house at 4:30 A.M. His most embarrassing high school memory was the first time he wore his pickle chicken legs to school. 

When Ellias was a child, he wanted to be a mechanic when he grew up, now he plans to go to college and major in sports management and minor in psychology. Ellias is involved in Beta, FCA, and Pep Club, he also participates in basketball, track, and cross country. Ellias’ advice to younger classmates is to appreciate the time you have with friends in school because you may never see them again. When asked how he feels about graduating, Ellias states “I’m kind of ready for it but scared to not see my friends as often. The thing he will miss most about high school is the time he has spent with his friends. The person who has had the greatest influence on him is the cross-country team, because the bond built with them was like no other team and all the memories he has made with them could never be replaced. Ellias’ biggest accomplishment so far is being a part of the cross-country team placing 1st and the girls’ placing 2nd, and also being a part of the boys’ basketball team that has potential to be the best Woodland team ever.

SHOUTOUTS: my family, Mr. Kinder, Mr. Ridings, Trae Cook, The Kooks, Basketball and Cross-Country teams.