Picture of Elijah Abernathy

Elijah Anthony Abernathy was born on June 18, 2007, his parents are Mike and Jennifer Abernathy. Eli’s brothers are Cecil, Seth, Daniel his sisters are Raina and Trinity. His favorite teachers are Mrs. Balzer, Mr. Glaus, and Mrs. Gray because they have always been there for him all in their own way. Elijah’s favorite quote staff quote comes from Mr. Ridings in freshman year “you are the dumbest smart kid I’ve ever met.” Three words to describe him are persistent, forgetful, kind. If Elijah could travel anywhere in the world he would go to New Orleans because it’s a cool town. His favorite school memory is playing on the same baseball team as my brothers during high school. Elijah’s most embarrassing high school memory was him getting caught cheating by Steg his freshman year on an optimism essay.

When Elijah was a child, he wanted to grow up and be a baseball player, now he wants to attend Jeffco to study culinary arts. Eli is a member of the baseball and basketball teams. He advises underclassmen to not take advantage of high school, it goes by quicker than you would think and don’t let yourself get behind. Eli is excited about graduating, but disappointed at the same time because he is going to miss all the staff and students who was there for him. Elis is going to miss the people from high school, especially Balzer and Mrs. Gray. The biggest influence in Eli’s life is his dad, he has been a role model to him since he was little because he has always been there for him. Eli’s biggest accomplishment so far was overcoming his last three miserable years of high school and enjoying his senior year.

SHOUTOUTS: Dad, his siblings, and all of his friends.