Mrs. Stegeman’s Business Communications class participated in the annual Investwrite essay during the fall semester. Students responded to the following prompt:
Describe something you've done to adapt to change or overcome an obstacle. How will this experience guide your future success? Now describe something a publicly traded company has done to adapt to change and explain how that makes it a good long-term investment. What other stocks, bonds or mutual funds would you combine with this company for a successful long-term portfolio and why?
Special congratulations to Kassandra Stroup for winning the state level competition! Kassandra’s essay will continue to compete at the National level.
A small award ceremony was held in the high school library. The entire Business Communications class virtually met with an Investwrite representative to present the award to Kassandra and parent. Thank you to all participating students!
Business Communications students are participating in the Spring Investwrite competition as well. We look forward to seeing the results!