Ava Arnzen was born June 23, 2004. Her family includes Christy Stause, Mark Arnzen, Kelly Stause, Brianna, Jozie, Stacey, and Molly. She’s involved in Beta, FFA, Pep Club, FBLA, cross country, track, and cheer. Her favorite teacher is Ms. Stegeman, “She has always been there and pushed me to be my best self and believed in me through any obstacles I have faced.” Her favorite color is yellow, and her favorite food is chicken and rice. When Ava was younger, she wanted to be a brain surgeon, she now plans to study psychology. Her favorite High School memory is going into Ms. Hinkle’s room and playing amongus and listening to Mr. Layton sing Ice Ice Baby on the bus to state her freshmen year. Ava says her most embarrassing memory was, “my freshman year my teammates and I were talking about a senior boy we all had a huge crush on, turns out he was standing right next to us and heard every word we said.” The thing she will miss most about high school is Mr. Boyer saying good morning every day and running with her team. When asked her thoughts about graduating, Ava said she’s excited but doesn’t know what she’ll do without her friends every day. Ava’s advice to underclassmen is, “branch out, make new friends, join clubs, make memories.” Her biggest accomplishment is the friendships she’s formed and the memories she’s made. The person who has the greatest influence on her life is her sister Brianna, “she has the kindest soul and is the hardest working person I know. She has inspired me throughout all phases of my life and I know she can always be the one I call when I am having a bad day.”
Ava would like to give her shoutout to, “Mom, Dad, Grandma Lindley, Gummy and Papa, Kathy and Joe Dees, Stegman and Ridings, Coach Layton.”