Evan Troy Rinacke was born on June 21st, 2004. He is the son of Melissa and Ryan Rinacke. He has one sibling, Emma Rinacke. Evan is involved in Band, Jazz Band, Pep Club, and is a member of the Track & Field team. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Braswell. Orange is his favorite color, and his favorite food is mac and cheese.
When Evan was younger, he wanted to be a WWE Wrestler, after graduation he plans on attending a trade school. His favorite high school memory is seeing Hunter and Dylan pull up to school in Halloween masks. His most embarrassing high school memory is “When I slipped during track practice in front of about 100 people at the baseball game.” The thing he will miss the most about high school is all of the great people he knows. When asked about his thoughts about graduating, Evan said “Well, 13 years is enough of this place, so I'd say I'm pretty happy.”
His advice to underclassmen is to make as many friends as you can. His biggest accomplishment is making it this far without messing up. The person who has had the most influence on him is his mom. He says she has helped him in every aspect throughout his entire high school career.
Evan would like to give a shoutout to Rafe, Coleten, Hunter and Dylan.