Justin Greer was born on June 4th, 2003. He is the son of Bruce and Linda Greer, and the brother to Jason Greer and Stacie Hinkle. Justin is involved in FFA and Pep club. His favorite teachers are Mr. Ridings, Ms. Braswell, and Mr. Boyer. His favorite color is blue, and his favorite food is sirloin steak.
When Justin was growing up, he wanted to be an electrician. He now plans to attend North American Lineman Training Center to become a lineman. Justin’s favorite high school memory is when Mr. Ridings excused him and Damon to take cupcake, the school’s pet pig, to the slaughter house. Justin’s biggest accomplishment is making it to senior year. When asked how he felt about graduating, he said he is excited for this next chapter in his life, but will miss seeing his friends.
The person who has had the most impact on his life is Mr. Ridings because he always has the most inspirational quotes. The advice he gives to underclassmen is to “Always know your place in anything.”
Justin would like to give a shoutout to Kara, his mom and dad, Matt and Stacie Hinkle, Damon Barks, and Landon Baker