Brookelynn Shell Senior Picture

Brookelynn Kaye Shell was born August 11, 2003. She is the daughter of Kendra and Darin Shell. She is involved in band, choir, jazz, Student Council, Ethics Bowl, Speech, and Drama. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Elfrink, “because he’s accepting of all students and pushes you to be the best version of yourself. He’s helped me a lot the past four years and I can't thank him enough.” Her favorite color is black, and her favorite food is Chicken Tikka Masala.

When Brookelynn was younger, she wanted to be a famous singer. After she graduates, she plans to go to the Missouri State University in Springfield to study Instrumental Music Education. She hopes to be a band director to be a role model for kids like certain teachers were for her. Her favorite high school memory was the Student Council’s Operation Christmas Coin Drive and the shopping trip she went on for the gifts. She recalls her most embarrassing high school memory, “We were playing spoons in the band room when Annie and I got into a fight over who grabbed the last spoon first. We fought for over five minutes, and she literally dragged me across the band room floor.” 

When asked her thoughts about graduating, Brookelynn says it's a big change, but she’s ready. The thing she will miss most about high school is performing with her closest friends. Her advice to her underclassmen, “Branch out. Don’t only expose yourself to the same four people, your closest friends may be the ones you least expect.” The people who have the greatest influence on her life are her mom and dad. They have done everything in their power to allow her to experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, “I couldn’t ask for better parents.” Her biggest accomplishment is getting $6,600 in scholarships because of her GPA and ACT.

Brookelynn would like to give her shout outs to her Mom, Dad, Elfrink, Stegeman, Balzer, Kelly, Annie, Anna, Allie, and Braeden.