Lucas Edward Lutes was born on May 12th, 2004. He is the son of Matthew and Amy Lutes. He has one sibling, Jonathan Lutes. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Johnson and his favorite food is pizza. Lucas’s favorite high school memory is “when we go home at the end of the day.” His advice to underclassmen is “you’ve gotten this far, you might as well finish it.” Lucas feels excited about graduation and after graduation, he plans on becoming an IT technician.
Though Lucas is excited about graduation he says, “I will miss seeing everyone in my grade because I’ve known them for 13 years and now we are going our separate ways.” The people who have had the greatest influence on Lucas’s life are his parents. “They have taught me how to act and helped me with homework.” His biggest accomplishment so far is owning one of the best gaming setups in the whole school.
Lucas would like to give a shoutout to his Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, James Hargrave, Benny Riddle, Hunter Calhoun, and Avery Landewee.