Benjamin Wayne Riddle was born on December 4, 2003. He is the son of Brenda and Harvey Riddle. He has one sibling, Annie Riddle. Benny is involved in pep club and participates on the track and cross country teams. When asked how he felt about graduating, Benny says he is excited. Benny states he will miss his friends the most after graduating. His advice to underclassman is to study and try your best. Benny’s favorite teacher is Mrs. Stegeman, as he says she is the coolest advisory mom. His favorite staff quote that has stuck with him is “don’t worry what other people think, be yourself”. Three words that describe Benny are funny, talkative, and energetic.
His favorite high school memory is jumping into a locker freshman year. His overall favorite school memory took place in 9th grade on the band bus to Wright City. Benny was asked, if he could travel anywhere, where would it be? He replies with Seattle because it’s the home of rock and roll.
When he was a child, Benny’s goal was to become a soccer player. He now plans to attend two years of CTC, then continue onto four years of college for software development. Benny states that his greatest accomplishment so far is participating in marching band and track, all while maintaining good grades for the past three years. His greatest influence has been his dad. Benny says that he has taught him everything he needs to know for life, and he always makes sure he is doing his best. Benny would like to give a shoutout to Kaiden Brotherton, Billy Legate, Eli Franklin, Eli Fox, and Trenton Proffer.