Angel Lee Martin was born on January 21, 2005. She is the granddaughter of “Granny” Carolyn Shomaker and is cared for by Mitzi and Chris Rhodes. Angel has four siblings, Caroline Rhodes, Andrea an Autumn Martin, and Sarah Ellsworth. She is involved in the Senior Beta Club. When Angel was a child, she wanted to become an anesthesiologist. She now plans to attend Mineral Area College and become a physical therapist assistant.
Mr. Elfrink and Mrs. Johnson are Angel’s favorite teachers because they always put up with her. In three words, an “iced coffee addict” is what best describes Angel. If she could travel anywhere in the world, she would want to explore Jamaica to try all the foods. Angel’s favorite high school memory was raising the most money they ever have for Operation Angel Christmas her freshman year and purchasing items for other kids. Her most embarrassing memory recalled was when she moved to Bloomfield for her sophomore year.
The thing she will miss most about high school is taking fun trips with Mrs. Lauren Gaines. When it comes to graduating, Angel is certain that it will be the greatest and worst day of her life. Mitzi is her greatest influence, “she has supported me in every choice I have made, and I have learned so much from her.”
Angel would like to give a shoutout to Granny Shomaker, Aunt Kathy McCollom, Emily Hunsaker, Mrs. Stegeman, Mr. Elfrink, Mitzi, Chris, Caroline, Krista, Collin Rhodes, Jennifer Bracken, and Polo G.