Senior Audrey Atchison was born on January 26, 2004. Her parents are Felicia Clubb and Barney Atchison. Audrey has two siblings, Isabella and Gavin. She is involved in Beta. Audrey’s favorite teacher is Mr. Ridings because “he’s just cool.” Three words that Audrey would use to describe herself are outgoing, ambitious, and adventurous.
When she was little, she wanted to be a marine biologist, she now plans on going straight into the workforce and eventually wants to start her own business. Her favorite staff quote was from Mr. Randecker, “You have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run.”
When asked about her thoughts on graduating, Audrey said, “It feels exciting. Even though I’m sad to leave behind all the good things that I built during school, I know I’ll still be taking these things into the next chapter of my life.” Her most embarrassing high school memory is, “When George was chasing me with whipped cream, and I went headfirst into the lockers.” Audrey’s favorite high school memory “was going on an art trip to the city museum and getting lost in a cave.”
What Audrey will miss most about high school are “all the beta trips, school dances, and all the lifelong friends I made along the way. Also, all the teachers that have pushed me to do better.” Her advice to underclassmen is, “to embrace every encounter as they come…good or bad because in the end, you’re going to utilize those experiences to build the person you’ll be after high school.” The people with the greatest influence on her and her life are her parents, “because they never left my side and taught me so much. Thank you for everything. Without you, I might not be the person I am today.” Audrey feels her biggest accomplishment is getting 8th place in nationals for Beta. If Audrey could travel anywhere in the world she would travel to the “New Zealand South Islands because the landscapes are beautiful.”
Audrey would like to make some shoutouts to Mom, Dad, Isabella, Gavin, and my friends and family.