Katie Ann Miller was born on June 8, 2005. Katie is the daughter of Melissa Miller and Sindre Kjelsrud. She has one sibling, Ryan Miller. Katie’s favorite teacher is Mr. Boyer. When asked to describe herself in three words, Katie says she is strong willed and optimistic.
As a child, Katie wanted to be a fashion designer, now she plans to attend the nursing program at the Southeast College of Nursing. Her most embarrassing high school memory is having bangs freshman year. Katie’s favorite school memory is hanging out with Joey in advisory. She is both nervous and excited about graduating and states that she will miss her friends the most after high school.
Katie’s advice to underclassman is to not take the time for granted because it will fly by faster than you know. Her grandparents have been her greatest influence, as she says they have always pushed her to do her best and have been a great inspiration. Katie feels as if her greatest accomplishment so far has been growing as a person and successfully achieving her goals.
Katie would like to give a shoutout to her mom and stepdad, Ashlyn, Layne, Audrey and Joey.